
The "Redirect" filter allows you to control whether search results should include business domains that redirect to another domain. By setting this filter, you can specify if domains that automatically redirect visitors to different URLs should be included in your search results. This filter is optional, with a default value of 0, which means that, by default, domains that redirect are not included.

  1. Settings:

    • Include Redirect Domains: Set this field to 1 to include domains that redirect to another domain in the search results. This means that even if a domain does not have direct content and instead forwards visitors to a different URL, it will still be included in the results.

    • Exclude Redirect Domains: Set this field to 0 (default) to exclude domains that redirect. By default, search results will not include domains that redirect to another URL, focusing only on domains with direct content.

  2. How to Use the Redirect Filter:

    • Set to 1: If you are interested in capturing all possible domains, including those that redirect, set the filter to 1. This can be useful for comprehensive analyses or when evaluating domains that might influence traffic or SEO through redirection.

    • Set to 0: If you want to focus only on domains that have direct content and not include those that redirect elsewhere, leave the filter set to 0.

  3. Use Cases:

    • SEO Analysis: Include redirect domains to analyze how redirection might affect SEO or traffic patterns.

    • Competitive Analysis: Evaluate whether competitors are using redirection strategies and how these might impact their online presence.

    • Content Aggregation: Exclude redirect domains to focus on domains with actual content rather than those that simply redirect visitors.

  4. Improving Relevance:

    • Targeted Results: By adjusting the redirect filter, you can tailor your search results to include or exclude domains based on their redirection behavior, ensuring the results align with your specific needs and objectives.

  5. Example:

    • Include Redirect Domains: Setting the filter to 1 might show results where "" redirects to "," helping you track such redirections.

    • Exclude Redirect Domains: Setting the filter to 0 will exclude domains like "" if it simply redirects to "," focusing on domains with direct content.

By using the redirect filter, you can effectively manage the inclusion of domains that redirect to other URLs in your search results, allowing you to focus on either a more comprehensive set of domains or a refined set with direct content.

Last updated